Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barack Obama -- Socialist Extrordinaire

One of the major questions when Sarah Palin was chosen as John McCain's running mate was, "Did he bother to "VET" her?" The Main Stream Media immediately assumed she hadn't been properly "vetted", so apparently, they saw it as their duty to do so.

Teams of lawyers and journalists were immediately dispatched to Wassila, AK to find out everything they could about Mrs. Palin. So far, they've found out that she likes to hunt moose, she was a beauty queen, she was a sports caster..... what else.... hmmn....

Oh yes. She asked to have her EX-brother-in-law not be at the state fair at the same time she was because he was an obviously unstable State Trooper that had threatened to kill her and her family, and she fired a sexist in her administration because he spent money she had not authorized, (he wasn't gonna listen to that female Governor).

These are all of course without a doubt grounds for her immediate disqualification for the job.

As this all heated up of course, the Right started asking questions like, "who vetted Barack Hussein Obama?" I know it makes me a racist to actually say his middle name, but you're gonna have to bear with me here.

The Main Stream Media chuckled.... He's been running for President for 2 years now. We know everything there is to know about him. Nothing to see here....move for Barack.

But then, these nasty little questions kept popping up. Was he REALLY born on American soil? Where's that missing 8 years he was in college? If he was the president of the Harvard Law Review, how come you can't find ANY of his writings? Anywhere? If he really loves this country, how could he sit and listen to a pastor for 20 YEARS who screamed God Damn America!!? Who invented liquid soap and why?? No wait....

One of the most important questions that surfaced were:

How could a guy who's running for President of the United States associate with a known, unrepentant terrorist, (Bill Ayers), sit on a board with him distributing $50 million to left wing, liberal entities that taught school children to hate this country, and then claim "he's just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, I don't even really know him".

But alas, the bloggers and the thinking citizens kept the answer changed a little..."when Bill Ayers and his wife were committing their despicable acts, I was only 8 years old....and he's just a guy who lives in my neighborhood"

But those dastardly citizens wouldn't go away. So the answer changed a little more. "when Bill Ayers and his wife were committing their despicable acts, I was only 8 years old....and by the time I met him, I thought he had been rehabilitated....and he's just a guy who lives in my neighborhood."

Now, wait a minute...he's just a guy who lives in your neighborhood, you don't even really know him, you served on a charitable board with him directing millions of dollars to left wing ideology, and you've stated all along that you didn't know him or anything about his past, and now the answer is, I thought he'd been me crazy, but some thing's not right here. Rehabilitated from what? From typewriter maintenance?

The fact of the matter is the reason you can't find any of his writings is because it's all been hidden from us. The Main Stream Media and the powers that be don't want people to know who Barack Hussein Obama, there I go again, really is. He's a socialist that doesn't like this country all that much...He's been molded from a young age. He's used politics and power to set the stage for his run at the highest office in the land. He was in league with ACORN and is part of the cause of all the voter fraud going on in this country, and was at least partly responsible for the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crash that started the whole economic turmoil.

And now we find out today, that he's a card carrying SOCIALIST. Go here to see the article that shows he's a member of the New Party. A socialist grass roots organization that targets what they deem to be "winnable" small elections that will put their people in power in the lower offices and then gradually move them up.

This election is about far more than gaining money back in our 401K's. It's about the direction we're going if the goose-steppers get their way and get this clown elected.

And just a little note to Rush Limbaugh. It was you who encouraged republicans to go out and vote en mass for Obama in states that had open primaries so Hillary wouldn't get the nomination. That just may be a strategy you live to regret. Barry won't stop with the "Fairness Doctrine", he'll pull the plug on your show faster than you can say his name and put you in a re-education camp.

Just remember Rush --- "Work Makes You Free"

Friday, October 3, 2008

Put me in Coach

So, the big question on everyone's mind: Is Sarah Palin ready to be Vice President of the United States? Is she ready to be a "heart beat" away from the most important seat in the free world?

I think the best way to answer that question is to take a look at a few other Veeps or possible Veeps.

So, go with me if you will on a little journey down the road of people who were either in that seat, or were campaigning to be a "heart beat away".

Walter Mondale. This guy was a heart beat away -- during one of the weakest and most Lame Duck administrations this great nation has EVER seen. Remember 21% interest? Remember the last time we tried to TALK to Iran? Now, don't get me wrong, even though Mondale looks exactly like the kid that got beat up on the playground EVERY day, he still would have been tougher than Jimmy Carter, although, the same could be said about Peewee Herman.

George Herbert Walker Bush, daddy to the current President. If you search back in your mind, you can still hear Dana Carvey doing his George Bush on SNL. "Nah gah do-it" "Wouldn't be Prudent". This guy was Veep with Reagan as his President. Remember the "Reagan Democrats"? Reagan had everybody on his side. Ended the Cold War. Turned the country back around. Got us back on our feet. All this guy could muster up was getting elected on his coat tails, and we threw him out of office after the first term. "Read my lips, NO NEW TAXES", right before he raised taxes. Had Saddam Hussein surrounded and decided to let him go. WISE decision THAT was. And before we get too off track, let's talk about HIS Veep.

Dan Quayle --


'Nuff said.

Geraldine Ferraro

For complete description, see Dan Quayle above.

This was the first woman to run for VP with Mondale (see playground whimp above). She was in the U.S. House of Representatives for approximately 5 years before she ran. She represented 9th district in New York, which qualifies her to make a pizza or something, but the only chance she had to break any glass ceilings was to be dropped from a helicopter. The only qualifications she had was that she was a Democrat, which of course had the liberal pundits just wooed by her siren's song.

Lloyd Bentson. Michael Dukakis' running mate. Yeah Right!!

I'll bet you never new Mr. Rogers ran for Vice President. And I'd wager that a lot of you out there don't even know who I'm talking about when I say Michael Dukakis.

Check out Al Gore doin' the robot. Or maybe he's talking about that "Lock Box" again. Bill Clinton's Veep. Let's see. Didn't know about the ILLEGAL campaign contributions changing hands because he was in the bathroom from all the iced tea he'd been drinking. Didn't know about Monica Lewinski. Didn't know we sold missle technology to China for more campaign contributions (and now they have ICBM's. I think they call that TREASON). Let's see, what else.... Oh yeah! Didn't know how to get elected to president after coming off 8 years of the best economy this country has ever seen. They had to teach this guy how to dress and 'tell' the country he was an Alpa Male, because that's the ONLY way anyone would know it. Imagine if 9/11 were to happen under his watch. Where would we be today?
A "heartbeat" away? Scary proposition.

Dick Cheney -- "No Heart Beat"

With the condition of Cheney's heart, the most comforting thing in the last 8 years is that George Bush Jr. has only been one heartbeat away from making his own decisions.

Bet you never knew Darth Vader had an acting career.

So, back to the point at hand. Is Sarah Palin ready to be a "heartbeat" away from the Presidency. I think if you're going to be fair, you'd have to say YES! This has been a fine list of our political best; a veritable "who's who" in politics. The only reason Miss Palin is even being questioned on this is because she scares the heck out of the democrats and the main stream news media. She's pro gun, pro life, pro family and pro responsibility. All of which they are against. They also know that she's pretty much just like the average american, and that doesn't fit in with their elitist pat on the back crowd. They're more than happy to tell people how much they care about their plight as long as the closest they get to an actual "person" being interviewed is a live feed brought into the studio from Topeka.

Sarah Palin scares the heck out of them because they know that if John McCain and her get elected, that no matter how hard they battle against them, there's every chance she'll be the first woman to be elected President. And wouldn't that be horrible for the Repulicans to be the ones to put a woman in the highest office in the land. What kind of example does it set to tell a woman she can be pro gun, pro life, pro family and pro responsibility and still be successful and keep her self esteem. We didn't plan it that way. It'll never work.

Oh, and by the way Joe Biden, it's the Article II of the Constitution that outlines the duties of the Vice President, not the First Amendment. I'm quite sure they won't be talking about that gaffe on CNN.

So, the question on everyone's mind: Is Sarah Palin ready to be Vice President? "You Betcha!"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Pig by any other Name

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed Barry's new posters being sold by his communist/islamo-facist campaign? It bears a striking resemblance to the "che" posters from days gone by when the communists and islamo-facists were in countries far, far away; not running for president. Or should we say "el presidente' ". I mean, they even have video of little school children singing to "Dear Leader", with verses like "Obama's gonna do it, Obama's gonna lead 'em".

Gonna do what? Gonna tax 'em til they have no money left. Gonna hit their pocket books until there really is only two classes, the Obama class of Socialist politicians and Gwen Ifills who pander endlessly to this empty suit, and all the others who refused to feed at the trough of new money grabbing federal programs that bankrupt free commerce until the government has to own everything just to survive.

Gonna kill 'em before they can make it out of the womb? Oops, I forgot, he voted for legislation to kill them even if they did. Ya' know, just a note to you Barry, King Herod tried to do the same thing about 2000 years ago. He ordered his minions to go down into Bethlehem and kill all the male children under 2 years old just in case one of them was the "real" Messiah. I guess his campaign of "inclusiveness" didn't like competition either.

And where's he gonna lead 'em? Right into the pit. Right into the destruction of Sodom. Let's see, It's patriotic to pay higher taxes. It's okay for a woman and her "doctor" to decide this human life is worth nothing, (whether in the womb or out), we can't get rid of the guns just yet, (obviously because as wall street is crashing, we in the south and fly-over country are still clinging to them), so we'll just introduce legislation to make it illegal to sell them ammunition. That way, when all the left-wing, goose-stepping guilty white college kids who've been indoctrinated by all the dope-smoking liberal "professors" come house to house in their "che", er I mean "O" t-shirts, (they would never stoop so low as to wear a military uniform until "Dear Leader" puts one on), to grab our guns, the only thing we'll have left to defend ourselves is pitch forks. And if you'd like to see just how indoctrinated they really are, enjoy this little op-ed piece by one of the faithful. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what this country was founded on.

We've got 33 days until the absolute theft of the presidential election by the liberal news media who refuse to report the truth on this guy. It's time to step up and and be counted folks.

Or you can just get used to this:
